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Trademark Search | Intricate Research Canada

Trademark helps in establishing an identity of a brand, product, or service. A trademark search helps in identifying same and similar trademarks existing in public domain or registered with a trademark office. This service helps you ascertain whether the desired trademark is available to use before taking decision about trademark filing and marketing of related product/service. This, in turn, reduces trademark prosecution cost and time. Further, this helps in creating a distinct brand identity.

Based on the trademark and nature of business, related Nice classification(s) and design search codes are identified. We perform trademark search with an approach to comprehensively search for trademarks with phonetic and visual similarity using the relevant class codes, keyword variations, and homophones. The marks are primarily searched and examined in consideration of the “likelihood of confusion” standard.


Trademark Monitoring | Intricate Research

Trademark Monitoring provides the information needed to enforce trademark rights and keep track of recently filed/published/registered trademarks. It is a service that notifies the clients when others submit similar trademarks or logos so that the client can object to and stop the competitors. Based on the trademark and nature of business, related Nice classification(s) and design search codes are identified. The search will be performed on periodic basis. 



We, at Intricate Research, assist our clients in every step of the trademark prosecution starting from trademark application filing to the issuance of the trademark. We help our clients at every step of trademark filings in Trademark Offices across the globe. We have a team of trademark attorneys who have vast experience in trademark filings and can consult on the best filing strategy matching your business strategy.

Our Trademark team has the capability to deal with the trademark objection(s) issued by the examiner for the trademark application(s). A comprehensive response to the objection(s) is drafted by the experts which exponentially increases the chances of securing a trademark. Further, our trademark team help companies to protect, enforce, and monetize their trademark portfolio. We provide a broad array of services from counselling clients during the initial selection and clearance of marks.

Trademark Services

Trademark Services

Unlock the power of comprehensive Trademark Services at Intricate Research. Safeguard your intellectual property with our expert guidance, from initial searches to registration. Ensure the longevity of your brand. Consult with us today for tailored solutions that protect and elevate your trademarks .

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